ADA Porta Potty

Porta potties that are made to be used by people with disabilities are called “ADA-accessible.” They follow the rules and guidelines of the Americans with Disabilities Act.

This is a federal law that says people with disabilities can’t be treated unfairly and sets standards for how accessible public and private buildings should be.

Different Kinds of Porta Potties That are ADA-compliant

At our company that rents out porta potties, we have two main types: the regular unit and the wheelchair-accessible unit. The normal unit has a wider door and more room inside so that wheelchair users can use it.

On the other hand, the wheelchair-accessible machine is made especially for people who use wheelchairs. It has a ramp to make it easier to get in and out, more room inside, and grab bars for extra support and steadiness.

Features of an ADA-accessible Porta Potty

Our ADA-accessible porta potties are made with features that make them easy for people with disabilities to use and comfy. Some of the most important things about our units are:

A wider opening to fit wheelchairs: Our ADA-accessible porta potties have doors that are at least 32 inches wide, which is wide enough for most wheelchairs.

Slip-resistant flooring keeps people from slipping and falling: We use a special flooring material that gives people grip, which makes it less likely that they will slip and fall.

Grab bars for extra support and stability: Our units come with strong grab bars that help people who need help with support and stability.

Lower toilet seats make it easier to move from a wheelchair to the toilet: The toilet seats in our units are lower than the normal height, which makes it easier for people to move from their wheelchair to the toilet.

Our porta potties that are accessible to people with disabilities have a bigger interior space: This gives you plenty of room to move around.

Hand sanitizer dispensers for cleanliness and hygiene: All of our rooms have hand sanitizer dispensers to help keep things clean and healthy.

Proper ventilation helps keep smells to a minimum: Our units have proper ventilation, which helps keep smells to a minimum and makes the experience for users more comfortable.

Ramps for easy entry (only in wheelchair-accessible units): Our wheelchair-accessible units have a ramp that makes it easy for people in wheelchairs to get in and out of the unit.

Renting a Porta Potty That is Accessible to People with Disabilities

There are many reasons to rent a porta potty that is accessible to people with disabilities for your event or building site, such as:

Makes entry possible for people with disabilities: Our porta potties that are ADA-compliant make sure that people with disabilities can use clean, comfy restrooms.

Complies with ADA rules and standards: The rules and standards set by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) are followed by our groups.

Improves the general experience for all users: Our units make the experience for all users, no matter what their physical abilities are, more comfortable and easy to use.

Shows that your company cares about diversity and inclusion: By making sure your event or building site has portable toilets that people with disabilities can use, you show that your company cares about diversity and inclusion.

Helps avoid claims or legal problems that could come up because of accessibility: By having porta toilets that people with disabilities can use, you lower the chance of getting sued or having other legal problems related to accessibility.

When to Think About Renting a Porta Potty that is ADA-compliant

Renting a porta potty that is available to people with disabilities is a good idea in a number of situations, such as:

When you are in charge of an event that is open to the public or has a lot of guests: If you are having an event that is open to the public or has a lot of people coming, it is important to make sure that people with disabilities can use the bathroom. Renting a porta potty that is available to people with disabilities makes sure that everyone has access to the facilities they need.

When putting on an event where a lot of people with disabilities are expected to be present: If you think a lot of people with disabilities will be at your event, you must rent porta potties that can be used by people with disabilities. This makes sure that everyone has the same amount of time to use the restrooms.

When having an event that needs to follow ADA rules: If your event needs to follow ADA rules, renting a porta potty that people with disabilities can use is not only a good idea, it’s also the law.

When putting on an event with the goal of promoting variety and openness: Renting a porta potty that people with disabilities can use shows that you care about inclusion and diversity. It lets people know that your event is open to everyone, no matter how they look or move.


In short, our ADA-accessible porta potty units are made so that people with disabilities can use them with ease, comfort, and cleanliness. They follow ADA rules and are perfect for events and building sites where everyone needs to be able to get around.

By renting a porta potty that is available to people with disabilities, you can make sure that everyone has clean and comfortable restrooms and show that you care about diversity and inclusion.

Contact us today to learn more about how to rent porta potties that are available to people with disabilities.